Museum Monday
What a Month!
A visit from the Dandy Warhol’s, James Currie from In the Loop magazine got some amazing shots of Peter Holström wearing his custom museum over print at The Metro. An interesting chat and Zoom meeting with Fat Mike, who has the fantastic punk museum in Las Vegas. (I think we both announced our plans the same week back in April 2021). It feels like there should be a Venn diagram:
Artists with labels
Artists with labels and museums.
—That would be an interesting group!
I love it when the yellow school bus from After School Matters blocks off the street. It’s important for me to show students that they really can do anything – because they can!
And our newest tradition: bring your dog to the museum day!
The place continues to challenge and amaze me on the daily. Having reverence for other people’s moments feels like a healthy way to build bridges and an awareness that, despite it all, we don’t know shit about what is important to others – so pay attention and tread carefully.
My schedule is all over the place for the next few weeks as I continue to recover from hip replacement surgery so watch out for some QR codes, story driven, Martin free museum tour announcements, and other stuff too.
Much love
Martin Atkins
Pre-Order: Vol. 2 Museum of Post Punk and Industrial Music Catalog
Pre-Order the Vol. 2 Museum of Post Punk and Industrial Music Catalog + Free Limited Edition Shirt!
Signed and numbered limited edition 122 pages
New acquisitions and donations, John Robb on defining Post Punk, a tribute to Dave Heckman of Metropolis Records, photographs, stories, and the growing Founders List! If you haven’t become a Founder and you’d like your name featured in the Founders List, there’s still time! Become a Museum Founder by either purchasing the Founders’ Package Here or Donate an Item of Note to the Museum Here!
Shirts ship straight away. The catalog ships when printed (6-8 weeks). Please, only 3 catalogs per order!
If you don’t have the First Edition Museum Catalog, it is still available for purchase here.
Pre-Order Here!
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Invisible, All rights reserved.